Homeless Man’s Truck is Better Than The Women’s Shelter

This year has been a particularly warm winter, and the only local women’s shelter is a below 32°F shelter, that means it will not let the women stay there if it is 35°F even if it is raining or there is snow on the ground, they have to sleep outside. That means this year the…More

The Homeless are The Monks and Nuns of The Past

I have come to believe that ¼ of the homeless of today would have been the monks and nuns of the past. If we as a society started viewing these people as we are meant to, seeing the face of Christ when we look at them, then we would see the great potential that they…More


One of the terms used for social workers who assist the homeless and those in need, is, “Advocate.” They are supposed to advocate, speak up for, the person in need. This is something God calls us all to, saying that we shall give voice to the needy and those seeking justice, a voice to the…More

A Gothic Siddur/Missal

A Siddur in Judaism, and a Missal in Christianity, is a book which contains the liturgical prayers, instructions, and readings for the religious services, holidays, life-events, and daily prayers. Ever since I was thirteen years old and The Angel of The Lord came to me and began instructing me, I have been writing down the…More

Candles verses Coals

At Mass we have two types of flame, the candles, and the coal burning incense. Likewise when it comes to being Christians we can be like candles or like coal. Both can burn with a flame, representing the light of Christ. For candles, that flame is easily lit, it is easy to light a candle,…More

My Prayer and Life Workshop Homework

My Godmother Deborah enthusiastically insisted that I sign up for a Prayer and Life Workshop that she had previously attended, which she found to be greatly enlightening and beneficial for her. This workshop was created by a Spanish priest named Ignacio Larranaga, and teaches 15 different ways of praying: Although I already know and practice…More

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Torah reading: Exodus 20:1-21 1 Then God spoke all these words: 2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 You shall not have other gods beside me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of…More

When Charity Backfires – What The Homeless Are Most in Need

We are of course thankful for any donations people make to charity; however, like anything, too much of anything can be bad, and focusing too much on one problem is neglecting other major problems. Sadly this applies to giving to the homeless as well. When someone donates to the homeless, most think of donating old…More

God knows our hearts; but do we know his?

Has one ever noticed how when a person is claiming to follow God, but is treating people poorly and starting fights, how they often say, “God knows my heart!” Indeed he does; but do they know his? “God knows men’s hearts” is usually not a very positive sentence in Scripture. And I will kill her…More

What does Scripture tell us to do during a pandemic?

For the past few years, there has been a severe pandemic. In the United States there has been quite a debate as to whether people should wear masks covering their mouths or not, and whether or not people should quarantine themselves. Within American media it is normally portrayed as secular progressive leftists promoting mask wearing…More